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Apache jmeterにて、保存時に欠落して、再読み込みできない


Bug 57025
Bug 56419







2014/12/17 17:42:31 ERROR - jmeter.save.SaveService: Conversion error com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException:  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22 :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
---- Debugging information ----
message             :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
cause-exception     : com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.StreamException
cause-message       :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
class               : org.apache.jmeter.timers.ConstantThroughputTimer
required-type       : org.apache.jmeter.timers.ConstantThroughputTimer
converter-type      : org.apache.jmeter.save.converters.TestElementConverter
path                : /jmeterTestPlan/hashTree/hashTree/hashTree/ConstantThroughputTimer
line number         : 14814
class[1]            : org.apache.jorphan.collections.ListedHashTree
converter-type[1]   : org.apache.jmeter.save.converters.HashTreeConverter
------------------------------- :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22 :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
---- Debugging information ----
message             :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
cause-exception     : com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.StreamException
cause-message       :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
class               : org.apache.jmeter.timers.ConstantThroughputTimer
required-type       : org.apache.jmeter.timers.ConstantThroughputTimer
converter-type      : org.apache.jmeter.save.converters.TestElementConverter
path                : /jmeterTestPlan/hashTree/hashTree/hashTree/ConstantThroughputTimer
line number         : 14814
class[1]            : org.apache.jorphan.collections.ListedHashTree
converter-type[1]   : org.apache.jmeter.save.converters.HashTreeConverter
message             :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22 :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
---- Debugging information ----
message             :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
cause-exception     : com.thoughtworks.xstream.io.StreamException
cause-message       :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
class               : org.apache.jmeter.timers.ConstantThroughputTimer
required-type       : org.apache.jmeter.timers.ConstantThroughputTimer
converter-type      : org.apache.jmeter.save.converters.TestElementConverter
path                : /jmeterTestPlan/hashTree/hashTree/hashTree/ConstantThroughputTimer
line number         : 14814
class[1]            : org.apache.jorphan.collections.ListedHashTree
converter-type[1]   : org.apache.jmeter.save.converters.HashTreeConverter
cause-exception     : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException
cause-message       :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22 :  : no more data available - expected end tags </intProp></ConstantThroughputTimer></hashTree></hashTree></hashTree></jmeterTestPlan> to close start tag <intProp> from line 14813 and start tag <ConstantThroughputTimer> from line 14812 and start tag <hashTree> from line 28 and start tag <hashTree> from line 13 and start tag <hashTree> from line 3 and start tag <jmeterTestPlan> from line 2, parser stopped on TEXT seen ...</intProp>\n          <doubleProp... @14814:22
first-jmeter-class  : org.apache.jmeter.save.converters.HashTreeConverter.unmarshal(HashTreeConverter.java:65)
class               : org.apache.jmeter.save.ScriptWrapper
required-type       : org.apache.jmeter.timers.ConstantThroughputTimer
converter-type      : org.apache.jmeter.save.ScriptWrapperConverter
path                : /jmeterTestPlan/hashTree/hashTree/hashTree/ConstantThroughputTimer
line number         : 14814
version             : 2.11 r1554548
2014/12/17 17:42:31 WARN  - jmeter.gui.action.Load: Unexpected error org.apache.jmeter.exceptions.IllegalUserActionException: Empty TestPlan - see log file
	at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.Load.insertLoadedTree(Load.java:174)
	at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.Load.loadProjectFile(Load.java:136)
	at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.Load.loadProjectFile(Load.java:105)
	at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.LoadRecentProject.doAction(LoadRecentProject.java:68)
	at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.ActionRouter.performAction(ActionRouter.java:81)
	at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.ActionRouter.access$000(ActionRouter.java:40)
	at org.apache.jmeter.gui.action.ActionRouter$1.run(ActionRouter.java:63)
	at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(InvocationEvent.java:311)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEventImpl(EventQueue.java:744)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.access$400(EventQueue.java:97)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:697)
	at java.awt.EventQueue$3.run(EventQueue.java:691)
	at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
	at java.security.ProtectionDomain$1.doIntersectionPrivilege(ProtectionDomain.java:75)
	at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(EventQueue.java:714)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForFilters(EventDispatchThread.java:201)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForFilter(EventDispatchThread.java:116)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(EventDispatchThread.java:105)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:101)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(EventDispatchThread.java:93)
	at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.run(EventDispatchThread.java:82)